This tutorial will help you diagnose a P0760: Shift Solenoid C Malfunction (OBD II) or code 43: OD Shift Solenoid Circuit (OBD I) transmission diagnostic trouble code (DTC).
Contents of this tutorial:
- Symptoms Of A Bad Overdrive Shift Solenoid (DTC P0760).
- What Tools Do I Need?
- Where To Buy The Chrysler Solenoid Pack.
- Circuit Descriptions Of The Chrysler Transmission Solenoid Pack
- TEST 1: Overdrive Shift Solenoid Resistance Test.
- Over-Drive Shift Solenoid Test Conclusion.
- Chrysler Transmission Solenoid Pack Tutorials.
Symptoms Of A Bad Overdrive Shift Solenoid (DTC P0760)
When the Over-Drive shift solenoid (also known as Shift Solenoid C) fails, you're gonna' see two specific symptoms, these are:
- The check engine light (CEL) will be lit nice and bright on your Chrysler vehicle's instrument cluster and you'll have the following code:
- P0760: Over-Drive Solenoid Circuit Malfunction (OBD II equipped only).
- P0760: Shift Solenoid C Malfunction (OBD II equipped only).
- If OBD I equipped, you'll see trouble code 43: Over Drive Solenoid Circuit.
- The transmission will not shift gears:
- More specifically, it'll stay in 2nd gear no matter what speed you're driving the vehicle.
- This is commonly referred to as: Limp In Mode.
It stinks that you're having this issue (P0760 or code 43), but the cool thing is that it's not that hard to test this yourself and replace the solenoid pack if indeed the Over Drive shift solenoid is bad.
What Tools Do I Need?
The most important tool that you're gonna' need is a multimeter. Your multimeter can either be a digital multimeter or an analog multimeter.
A scan tool is becoming a must-have tool, but isn't necessary to use the info in this test tutorial of the Over Drive shift solenoid.
Here are some of my suggestions:
- Multimeter
- Don't have one or need to upgrade your analog multimeter to a digital multimeter, check out my recommendation here: Abe's Multimeter Recommendation.
- Scan Tool
- As I mentioned above, you don't need to use a scan tool to take advantage of the test info in this tutorial, but it does come in handy to read any trouble codes.
- If you don't own a scan tool yet, I recommend taking a look at these 2 articles I've written: Scan Tool Essentials You Should Know! (at: troubleshootmyvehicle.com) and Actron CP9580 Scan Tool Review (also at: troubleshootmyvehicle.com).
Where To Buy The Chrysler Solenoid Pack
Your local auto parts store (like AutoZone, O'reilly, Pepboys) will carry the Chrysler solenoid pack and will be more than happy to sell you one at a cost of US$150 to $200, which is quite expensive.
Another alternative you may want to explore, is buying it online and saving a few bucks. Below, you'll find two links (to the same place) so that you can shop and compare and see what option is best for you!
Circuit Descriptions Of The Chrysler Transmission Solenoid Pack

To be able to resistance test the Over Drive solenoid, which is located inside the transmission's solenoid pack, we need to know which two pins to test (on the solenoid pack, not its electrical connector).
In this section, I'll briefly described the 8 circuits (pins) of the solenoid pack. The ones that we're interested (for this tutorial) is pin #6 and pin #4 (of the solenoid pack, not its 8 wire electrical connector).
Chrysler Solenoid Pack Connector Pin outs | ||
Pin | Wire Color | Description |
1 | Yellow w/ Black stripe * | 2-4 Pressure Switch |
2 | Dark Green * | Low/Reverse Pressure Switch |
3 | Orange w/ Black stripe * | Overdrive Pressure Switch |
4 | Red * | Power (10 to 12 Volts DC) |
5 | Pink * | Underdrive (UD) Solenoid |
6 | Brown * | Overdrive (OD) Solenoid |
7 | Light Blue * | Low/Reverse Solenoid |
8 | White * | 2-4 Shift Solenoid |
* Your specific Chrysler, Dodge, Plymouth vehicle may have different colors.
One last thing before we move on to the next page (and start testing), the solenoid pack will have the above 8 numbers embossed on it. This will further aid you in identifying the metal male terminals you'll need to test in the next page.